Yogyakarta, December 28th, 2021
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM has successfully held a scientific discussion event, MD REFO #5, on December 28th, 2021. This fourth MD REFO (Research Forum) presented two great speakers, namely Mr. Vogy Gautama Buanaputra, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Mrs. Heyvon Herdhayinta, M.Sc., Ph.D., both of whom are lecturers in the Accounting Department, FEB UGM, to discuss “How to Survive and Succeed Master and PhD Journeys? Tips and Lessons Learned.” This forum aims to motivate and provide tips to survive and succeed in master or doctoral study activities, both domestically and abroad. A total of 137 participants consisting of various parties, including students, academics, practitioners, and the general public, attended to listen to the presentations of the two resource persons who had just finished their doctoral studies, so their experience was adequate and still relevant.
In this scientific discussion opportunity, Mr. Vogy started his presentation by explaining the differences in research between master and doctoral levels. The ability to understand articles and conduct research is certainly different. At the doctoral level, you must be able to synthesize articles to their essence, such as in terms of research questions, theories, methodologies, conclusions, paradigms, to find research gaps. This aim is necessary to find newness or novelty to produce unique and fresh research ideas. To make all of this a success, Mr. Vogy offered various tips that he had previously applied during his studies. These various tips include determining a regular work rhythm and sticking to it consistently, setting targets, and don’t forget to refresh when you’re bored. Regarding ideas that can’t be predicted and often appear suddenly, prepare a book or cellphone to immediately take note idea, so it doesn’t just go away.
In the second presentation session, Mrs. Heyvon also explained her experience. Based on her experience, she emphasized the need to remember the initial purpose of studying as an effort to be consistent with all initial intentions and targets to be achieved. The pattern will support the study process because that effort is optimal. Learning from the experiences of others, including friends and seniors, can be an option to understand and anticipate various things that might become problems during the study. Thus, it is necessary to share activities. Everything that is done also needs to be organized with good time management and work-life balance. Each individual needs to conduct a review to monitor academic progress. As a medium for refreshing, joining various organizations is useful while increasing connections, for example in the conferences.
Interesting discussions about surviving and succeeding in pursuing master and doctoral studies were exciting. Many participants felt motivated again and relieved because they received effective tips in overcoming various problems during their master’s and doctoral studies. It is hoped that this event will be able to provide knowledge and motivation for those who will continue master or doctoral studies and even increase their interest in pursuing master or doctoral studies. The MD REFO #5 event was closed with a group photo. (Y)