Yogyakarta, January 12nd, 2022
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM in collaboration with NCCU (National Chengchi University), successfully held a webinar on the topic “Sustainable Finance, Accounting, and Business Management” on January 12nd, 2022. This activity aims to facilitate students for increasing theoretical insight and scientific contributions in research. Thus, the benefits of cooperation between the two universities can be conveyed properly.
The forum began with a keynote speaker from Prof. Robin K. Chou, Associate Dean for Research College of Commerce of NCCU, and Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D., Lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM. In the webinar forum, there were scientific presentations from 12 student representatives from master and doctoral programs, with details of six students from UGM and six students from NCCU.
The research discussion from each student is very interesting. In addition to the current topic of sustainability, the methods used and the resulting findings can enrich theoretical and methodological insights. These findings can be a solution to the problems that occur, so the practical contribution is very strong. The novelty of the research is also very prominent because adapted to current conditions. It is hoped that the collaboration with NCCU in sharing the research finding can be held regularly and routinely. (Y)