Yogyakarta, March 16th, 2023
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM in collaboration with the Department of Economics FEB UGM and the Masters in Development Economics (MEP), held a seminar with the topic “Recent Development in Experimental and Behavioral Research.” This event was held offline at the BRI Auditorium Room, 3rd Floor, MD FEB UGM Program. This session presented Dr. Katharina Werner, University of Passau, as the speaker and Dr. Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya, Department of Economics FEB UGM, as moderator. This seminar aims to develop research knowledge and skills, especially regarding the mixed method, which raises the latest topics.
Dr. Katharina presented her research entitled “Violent Conflict and Parochial Trust: Survey and Lab-in-the-Field Evidence.” This research uses a mix method, the experimental method and survey method. The experiment carried out was a laboratory experiment, in which the participants were students from Islamic and Catholic universities in Indonesia, namely in Ambon and Salatiga. The survey was conducted using datasets from three sources, the Social Well-Being Survey in Asia (2015-2017), the World Value Survey (1946-2016), and the Afrobarometer. In his research, Dr. Katharina examines the effect of violent conflict on trust and whether interaction can restore cooperation after violent conflict occurs.
The material session ran smoothly and was followed by a question-and-answer session. The participants’ enthusiasm was very high, as evidenced by the questions they asked. Through this research seminar, students are expected to be able to understand the mixed method and develop their methodological skills. In the end, students have an interest in conducting research using mixed methods or developing experimental research. They contribute a lot to the research aspect. The various current issues can be examined to explain existing phenomena from a theoretical and methodological perspective, thereby providing practical advice. (Y)