The Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM held an Academic Briefing and Researcher’s Enrichment Program (REACH) as a form of welcoming new students for the odd period of 2023/2024 for two days on Wednesday and Thursday, August 9 – 10 2023. The activity was held on the Master of Science and Doctor of FEB UGM and attended by all new students, both the Master of Science (S2) and Doctoral (S3) Programs.
On the first day, the series of Academic Briefings and REACH activities were opened with remarks and reports from representatives of the MD FEB UGM program manager, delivered by Dr. Sahid Susilo Nugroho, M.Sc., as Head of the Management Science Masters Study Program. Furthermore, Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., M.B.A., Ph.D., as Head of the Doctoral Study Program in Accounting Science conveyed FEB’s Vision and Mission and Values to all new students which must be known as guidelines in behaving according to identity and cultural values of FEB UGM .
In the following session, there was a Curriculum and Academic Briefing as well as material on Campus Life and Time Management by the each study program head. The MD FEB UGM program has curriculum and academic arrangements that will produce graduates with strong theoretical knowledge and qualified academic research abilities. The MD FEB UGM program also provides various facilities that will support student activities, ranging from comfortable classrooms and discussion rooms, sports halls and an access to various data sources and international reputed article. In addition, students can also take part in various activities for self-development such as musical instruments held by the program. Students are also expected to have effective time management so that they will be better at studying.
The next session was an introduction to the existing student organizations within MD FEB UGM, namely FORKOMSI (Master of Science Communication Forum) and IMADEBGAMA (Doctoral Student Association FEB UGM) delivered by Syafika Dhea, as Chair of FORKOMSI and Rizqi Umar Al-Hashfi, as Chair of IMADEBGAMA. The introduction to the organization is filled with an explanation of the organization, membership, goals and work programs of the organization.
The activities on the first day were closed with a UGM Philosophy Seminar delivered by Prof. Dr. dr. Sutaryo, Sp.A.(K). He conveyed the history of UGM’s founding, UGM’s values, UGM’s contribution to the nation and state as well as the philosophy of the UGM symbol. He also said that there were 5 UGM identities from the history of its establishment, namely the national university, the struggle university, the Pancasila university, the people’s university and the cultural center university.
On the second day, the activity began with morning exercises guided by FORKOMSI and IMADEBGAMA which were continued by the Remarks of the MD FEB UGM Program Manager which also officially opened the REACH Program. After taking a group photo with all students, managers and education staff in front of the courtyard of the MD FEB UGM Building, there was a session of releasing doves and balloons as a sign of welcoming new MD FEB UGM students. Then, the activity continued with a Scholar’s Day Out to introduce the campus environment to new students. The activity was continued with the delivery of Academic Support Tools by Prof. Catur Sugihanto, M.A., Ph.D., and Prof. Mamduh M Hanafi, MBA., Ph.D., to introduce all educational staff and assistants at MD FEB UGM as well as all facilities and facilities that can be used by students on the MD FEB UGM campus.
The next material session was Research Based Learning delivered by Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., M.B.A., Ph.D. He said that the MD FEB UGM Program would equip students with strong theoretical concepts, deep analytical skills and practical skills in academic research.
The next material session is Student Mental Health from Dr. Ridwan Saptoto, S.Psi., M.A. In his material, he said that students’ mental health during the study period is very important to maintain. He gave several tips for maintaining students’ mental health, namely refreshing when they have worked a lot to re-fill energy to fun places, always being in a positive and mutually supportive environment, and if you encounter difficulties don’t give up easily and just stop.
Furthermore, there is material on Communication Skills by Mrs. Rina Herani, S.E., M.Sc. She said that good, correct and effective communication is very important and necessary in the academic field. In his material, she also conveyed some tips & tricks in communicating both orally and in writing in the academic field.
The last material session on the second day was Academic Document Writing and Anti Plagiarism which was delivered by Ms. Widya Paramita, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. In his material, she explained what must be done and paid attention to, in order to produce reputable academic writing, plagiarism and how to overcome it.
The REACH Program activity was closed with the announcement of the winners of the MD Photo Contest (Twibbon photo contest and selfie photos) as well as a group game competition. All Academic Briefing and REACH Program activities ran smoothly and all participants attended with great enthusiasm.