Friday, March 5, 2021
Yogyakarta – As one of the long-established doctoral programs, the FEB UGM Doctoral Program has the opportunity to share knowledge with the Doctor of Forestry program. At this activity, attended the doctoral program manager of Forestry and also his staff, Dr. Ir. Eny Faridah, M.Sc., Muhammad Navis Rofii, S.Hut., M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Ganis Lukmandaru, M.Agr, S.Hut., Dr. Hero Marhaento, S.Hut., M.Si., Prof. Dr. Ir. S.M. Widyastuti, M.Sc., Priyono Suryanto, S.Hut., M.P., Ph.D., Dr. Drs. Senawi, M.P., and Mrs. Frida. And also the head of the management of the Doctor of Management Science program, Prof. Mamduh Mahmadah Hanafi, M.B.A., Ph.D. and the head of the Doctor of Accounting Science program manager, Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., M.B.A., Ph.D.; as well as the Head of the Academic Section of the FEB UGM Doctoral Program, Tri Widiyanto, S.E.; Head of Secretariat, Cooperation and Partnership, Riana Wijayanti, S.Si; and Head of Student Affairs, Admissions, and Marketing, Handayani, S.E.
The purpose of this event is for a comparative study and benchmarking conducted by the Forestry Science Doctoral program to the FEB UGM Doctoral Program. The Doctoral Program in Forestry, as a new program, seeks to gain as much insight as possible to improve its quality. This activity which is carried out online begins with an introduction to the departments and study programs in the Master of Science and Doctoral (MD) FEB UGM by Prof. Mamduh Mahmadah Hanafi, M.B.A., Ph.D. as the managing coordinator of MD FEB UGM.
Then, Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., M.B.A., Ph.D. explained that the FEB UGM Doctoral Program has implemented the university’s direction to use SCL (Student Center Learning). In its implementation, the SCL used in the Doctoral curriculum of FEB UGM is RBL (Research-Based Learning) which is also a form of SCL that puts more emphasis on research or do the research. This activity was then filled with more discussions between the managers of the two Doctoral Programs regarding how to independent study at the FEB UGM Doctorate, how the entry selection process was in the FEB Doctorate and an explanation of the necessity for a proposal at the beginning of registration.