Yogyakarta, July 4th, 2022
The Master of Science in Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM received a visit from Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI). This offline visit was in the context of a comparative study related to the opening of the Master of Science in Accounting Program at FE UNSRI. The event opened by Ms. Zuni Barokah, M.Comm., Ph.D., Chair of the Master of Science in Accounting Study Program, FEB UGM, by introducing herself and all meeting participants from UGM. Furthermore, representatives from FE UNSRI explained the purpose of the visit clearly, including points to be discussed in comparative study activities. In connection with this goal, the two representatives from FE UNSRI, Mr. Arista Hakiki, the Head of the Accounting Department of FE UNSRI, and Dr. E. Yusnaini, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., the Secretary of the Establishment Team for the Master of Science in Accounting FE UNSRI, expected views and input on the steps that must be taken to open the Master of Science in Accounting Program and the uniqueness that must be built.