Yogyakarta – Monday, October 8, 2018, the Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM held a public defense of Dr. Fauzan Misra, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., C.A., a doctoral student of the Accounting Study Program of FEB UGM and a lecturer of Andalas University. Dr. Fauzan Misra, S.E., M.Sc., Ak., C.A. holds the 4115th doctorate at Universitas Gadjah Mada and the 256th doctorate at Faculty of Economics and Business. He finished his study in f years and ten months and successfully received a cum laude.
October, 4th 2018, Professor Jogiyanto Hartono M., PhD and Professor Catur Sugiyanto, PhD, as the chair of the accounting and economics study program at the Master of Science and Doctorate (MD) program FEB UGM held a meeting with the International University of Japan (IUJ). The meeting was held at the MD FEB UGM Building, namely in the 3rd-floor courtroom. The IUJ was represented by Professor N. S. Cooray and Mr Wada.
According to the AACSB accreditation, the cooperation procedure between universities must be within the scope of a fellow university recipient of AACB accreditation. In the minutes of the meeting, IUJ was interested in cooperating with the MD FEB UGM program, as the collaboration had been carried out by IUJ with the Masters in Development Economics (MEP) and also Master of Management (MM) programs. Specifically, the form of cooperation that will be established between MD FEB-UGM and IUJ is a dual program specifically for students of the master level, considering that IUJ has excellent capabilities for master’s programs. At this meeting, the UGM MD-FEB program also examined the possibility of obtaining the same scholarship obtained by MEP from the Indonesian BAPPENAS. It is a big opportunity for MD FEB-UGM considering that BAPPENAS RI itself can provide scholarships for dual programs. Administrative requirements of students who will take dual programs will be formed flexibly by the agreement between one party and the other. During the trip to make the following dual program, students will also be included in the apprenticeship program by IUJ. It is done in the context of exposure and getting more learning as long as students take dual programs in Japan.
Several agreements that formed in the minutes of the meeting between the MD-FEB UGM program and IUJ included cooperation in the form of dual programs. The next step, this collaboration will then be signed in the MoU. The minutes of the meeting closed by giving a remembrance by the MD FEB UGM program represented by Professor Jogiyanto Hartono M., PhD and also Professor Catur Sugiyanto, PhD to Professor N. S. Cooray and Mr Wada and then take photos together. (MAS)
Yogyakarta – Friday, September 28, 2018, coinciding with the 38th Anniversary of Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM (MD FEB UGM), was also inaugurated as student lounge II located on the East 1st floor of MD FEB UGM building. Ribbon cutting as a symbol of this inauguration was done by Rimawan Pradiptyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. as chairman of the 68th Anniversary of FEB UGM. The ribbon cutting was also attended by Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., Ph.D. as coordinator of the MD FEB UGM and director of MD Program in Accounting; Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto., Ph.D. as director of MD Program in Economics; Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand. Merc., Ph.D., as director of MD Program in Management; and Rr. Tur Nastiti, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Manager of Academic, Student Affairs, and Cooperation of MD FEB UGM.
The Student lounge II is an ex-library of FEB UGM unit II, which have been moved to the learning center (East of the MD-FEB UGM building) now. The concept of student lounge II is how to create a comfortable learning place for MD FEB UGM students. The Student lounge II is designed with a neat layout and consists of several rooms including discussion rooms, independent study rooms and also a collection of publications. Lastly, the student lounge II is expected to be a reference study room for MD FEB UGM students. (TLU)
Yogyakarta, October 26, 2018. MD FEB UGM held Mind Power and Control Training which was attended by Master and Doctoral students, and several FEB UGM lecturers. This training took place at the BRI Auditorium 3rd floor, MD FEB UGM Building. Denny Farabi, as the training speaker explained that the power of the mind can be used to manage many things in human life.
The training started at 2.00 pm, and opened by Prof. Catur Sugiyanto as Chair of the Master of Science and Doctoral in Economics Program. Training is held with the aim of redesigning the mind, life and the future. Denny Farabi explains how we can use the power of our mind to maintain mental and physical health, manage stress, simplify the work process, and achieve a goal. In addition, our subconscious mind can be modified. This modification has many benefits, include developing the ability to control the mind, the ability to focus the mind, improve peace of mind, free negative thoughts, increase confidence, etc. In addition, modifying our subconscious mind can turn negative feelings / thoughts into positive ones.The participants were interested in participating the training. This can be seen from the activeness of the participants by asking questions and experiences about the power of mind during the event. At the end of the event, the participants were invited to suggest themselves. This is so that things that enter the mind are positive things. Denny Farabi also invited the participants to always think positive as much as possible, because the source of strength actually comes from one’s own mind.Azizah Hervina, a student of Master of Science in Management Program gave her impression after attending this training, “This training is very useful and can give positive suggestions. This training is also very important to help relieve the stress of students who are facing their thesis. Hopefully such training is often held to help alleviate and eliminate the problems of students “. (BGA)
Related to the preparation of reaccreditation of MD FEB UGM, on September, 20th 2018, MD FEB UGM inviting the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) of UGM to get insight about the change that will be faced regarded the national accreditation (BAN-PT) for all study program of Indonesian universities.
Yogyakarta, Monday, September 17, 2018, Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM held a sharing session entitled “Bibliometric Tools for A Literature Review”.
In September, 14th 2018, MD Program of FEB UGM in cooperation with the Central Library of UGM conducted workshop related online data-based management and referencing. The workshop was conducted in two sessions. The first session is presented by Mr. Janu, the topic was related to the online data-based of UGM. The next session is presented by Mr. Ide Yulianto, who presented a reference management tools using Zotero.
In the first session, Mr. Janu explain the general information regarding various sources that students can access for many references such as book, journals, articles, research papers, and even course video. Some of the sources were through an online catalogue, search engine, and federated search engine, which was the one that discussed in the first session. Federated search engine is an exclusive search engine that owned by the institution, where the students of UGM can access the search engine by tapping in http://ugm.summon.serialssolutions.com. Through the website, students of UGM can search and find all the collections of the central library of the UGM. Mr. Janu also explain about some strategies to effectively doing the search activity. For example, using the precise keywords and understanding the various terms of keyword according to the topic that we looking for, it can be significantly optimize out effort on doing searching activities.
In the last session, Mr. Ide Yulianto explain about the importance to manage all the references that we collected via many sources. It can also be a strategy to prevent us from plagiarism practice, when we manage our references carefully. There are some tools that can be used to manage our references, such as Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote, and many more. Specifically, Mr. Ide Yulianto focusing his presentation by using Zotero as an example tools for managing references. In general, the workshop was conducted effectively, where the audience enthusiastically optimize the workshop to learn about search and find references activities and how to manage these collected references. (MAS)
Yogyakarta, Thursday, September 13, 2018, Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM held a guest lecture at the BRI Auditorium. The guest lecture themed “Doing a Literature Review” by Prof. Noel Scott, a professor, and a deputy director at Griffth Institute for Tourism, Griffith University, Australia. Prof. Noel Scott interest in Tourism and he often writes papers on that field.
The REPESEA is a cooperation project among universities in Asia and Europe funded by the European Union through the Erasmus Capacity Building in Higher Education (CHBE) scheme. It is three years cooperation which has been started since October 2016.
In August, 23th 2018, faculty of economics and business of UGM held an event that announce the winner of various competition that were conducted in AACSB week before. For the record, these competitions are in photography, essay writing, and video maker with leadership, engagement, innovation, and impact as the theme of the video. The good news about the competition is most of the winners are comes from MD FEB UGM students.
In photography competition, Rozy Ahimsyah Pratama, a student from master of science in economics is chosen as the favorite winner. In essay writing competition, Lufi Yuana Mursita, a student from master of science in accounting came out as the first winner, and Muhammad Roy Aziz Haryana, a doctorate student in accounting also came out as the third winner. For video maker competition, in leadership topic, the Twin Fighters team: Rizkiani Iskandar and Rizkiana Iskandar from master of science in accounting got the favorite winner. Meanwhile, in the topic of engagement, innovation, and impact, the first winner is the Trianz team: Muh. Ikhsan Alif (master of science in management), Rizkiana Iskandar (master of science in accounting), and Niry Qeen Sari (master of science in accounting). Not solely in these two winners, another team from MD FEB UGM, which is MSc Life: Lufi Yunawa Mursita, Alffiana Nurhayati, and Wuryaningsih also win the favorite winner for video make in topic of engagement, innovation, and impact.
Lufi Yunawa Mursita (Lufi), who came out as the winner of essay writing competition wrote an essay with topic ‘why AASCB matters and why we should push for AACSB reaccreditation’. In his essay, Lufi explain why we choose FEB UGM as the first place to go study, and what we should do as a part of FEB UGM to support the reaccreditation of the AACSB. Accordingly, a clear understanding about the importance of the AACSB as an international accreditation can be a valuable starting point for these issues. The same thing are also explained by our winner of video maker in topic of engagement, innovation, and impact, which is mentioned about the importance to optimize all the time and chance that we got when study in FEB UGM to learn and giving the benefits to society at large, through the network and innovation capabilities that we got in FEB UGM. (MAS)