Yogyakarta – Friday, September 27, 2019, as part of a series of 39th Anniversary events, Master of Science and Doctorate Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held Tumpengan and Launching of the Fifth Book entitled “Kajian Literatur dan Arah Topik Riset ke Depan [Literature Review and Future Directions for Research Topics].” A variety of events were held such as the blood donor program which was attended by 60 participants consisting of students, lecturers, and staff, and table tennis [ping-pong] competition with mixed doubles and men’s doubles. The book launching event was attended by 17 book contributors, students, alumni, lecturers, employees, MD FEB UGM management, and FEB UGM management. The event was opened by a report delivered by Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., Ph.D. as the coordinator of MD FEB UGM. Furthermore, Amirullah Setyo Hardi, Cand.Oceon., Ph.D. as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni, highly appreciated those who have contributed in writing books.
The book launching was led by Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., Ph.D. as the editor of this book. A total of 14 FEB UGM lecturers and 3 doctoral students of FEB UGM as contributors to writing a book were introduced. The lecturers and students involved are experts in their fields of economics, management, and accounting. Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., Ph.D. explained the background of writing the fifth book and explained the four books previously published by MD FEB UGM. The fifth book is a follow-up book from the fourth book that came up because the need of emphasizing research impact that not only in the development of science but also the wider community. The preparation of the first to fifth books is based on “the knowledge onion” which started from the research philosophy, research strategies, research methods, to the current research studies. This book is intended to be able to help students of the MD FEB UGM Program in particular and academics in general in understanding research, while at the same time encouraging researchers to conduct subsequent studies.
As the culmination of thanksgiving celebrations for the birthdays of the MD FEB UGM program that had been established since 1980, the launching of this book was continued with Tumpengan. Cutting tumpeng was done by Dr. Harsono, M.Sc. as one of the first managers of MD FEB UGM. In his remarks, Dr. Harsono, M.Sc. delivered a brief history of the establishment of MD FEB UGM and subsequently appreciated the significant development. On the 39th anniversary, the MD FEB UGM Program is expected to not only be able to produce graduates who are experts in the field of research, but also be able to master knowledge so that they can deliver their knowledge.
In addition to the announcement of the winners of the table tennis [ping-pong] competition and door prize distribution, the book launching and cutting of tumpeng was ended with lunch and a photo session. (TLU-RHP)