Friday, November 3 2023, the FEB UGM Master of Science and Doctoral Program again held activities for thesis development with the material “Testing the Moderating Effect of Multivariate Research Models”. This thesis development presented Mrs. Naila Zulfa, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., as the speaker. This activity, which must be attended by students who are pursuing their thesis, is held offline at the BRI Auditorium, Fl. 3 Master of Science and Doctoral Building FEB UGM.
In her presentation, Ms. Naila Zulfa, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., explained that the moderating variable is a type of intervening variable that deals with the question “When” and can modify the relationship between variables X and Y. Modifications of the moderating variable can be positive. or negative and can even change the direction of the relationship.
Furthermore, Ms Naila also said that there were two issues relating to the use of moderating variables, namely dichotomization and multicollinearity. The issue of dichotomization can be overcome by looking at the distribution or by conducting cluster analysis so that groups will form naturally from the existing data. Then, the issue of multicollinearity is something that can actually still be ignored considering that there is definitely multicollinearity in testing, but this issue can also be overcome by standardizing and centering.
During the activity, students were very active in asking various questions. This activity, which aims to sharpen students’ understanding in carrying out tests in research, was welcomed with high enthusiasm and went smoothly.