On Friday, 11 August 2023 the Universitas Terbuka (UT) had a visit to the Management Science Doctoral Study Program in order to study registration techniques, lecture implementation, curriculum and study period from the Doctor of Management Science Program FEB UGM. The visit which took place in the Meeting Room Lt. 3 The Master of Science and Doctoral Building FEB UGM was attended by four representatives from the Open University namely Dr. Joko Rizkie, S.E., M.M., as Deputy Director of the UT Postgraduate Program, Martini Wibowo, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., as Chair of the UT Doctor of Management Science Study Program and Dr. Zulkifli Sultan, S.E., M.M., and Dr. Andi Harmoko Arifin, S.E., M.Sc., as a Lecturer in the UT Doctor of Management Science Study Program. Head of Management Science Doctoral Study Program, Prof. Mamduh M. Hanafi., M.B.A., Ph.D., received the visit along with several staff from the FEB UGM Masters of Science and Doctoral Program.
After the introductions from both representatives of the Open University and the FEB UGM Doctor of Management Study Program, the discussion continued by discussing the technicalities of registering the doctoral study program. Discussions regarding registration techniques were thoroughly discussed starting from the administration system, registration completeness requirements to the selection process. The point of the discussion is the importance of the registration system and the requirements that must be met so that the FEB UGM Doctor of Management Study Program can truly screen qualified and committed students to be able to complete their studies.
Furthermore, the discussion continued by discussing the implementation of lectures. The discussion discussed the rules in lectures, the curriculum implemented by the Doctoral Program in Management Sciences FEB UGM, the system for writing a dissertation to several examinations that must be taken by students of the doctoral program. In addition, in the discussion regarding the curriculum and the dissertation writing system, the learning achievements of the doctoral study program and the design of the research carried out by the program were also discussed. Furthermore, the FEB UGM Doctor of Management Study Program said that program learning outcomes were based on competency standards in the AACSB.
The discussion then continued on the composition of doctoral program teachers and educational staff as well as international cooperation. The discussion also covered the dual degree program being carried out by the Master of Science and Doctoral Programs of FEB UGM as well as international publications that students had to do. As an effort to encourage student success in international publications, the study program always accompanies and fully supports by providing workshops on publications and monitoring through promoters and co-promoters.
After several discussions at the meeting, the visiting session ended with the giving of souvenirs and group photos.