Yogyakarta, April 12th, 2021, the Master of Science Program FEB UGM held an online Design Thinking Workshop (DTW) through the Zoom meeting. The DTW which held entered in Batch 2 and 3. The implementation was for two days, there were on Friday, April 9th, 2021, for Batch 2 and on Saturday, April 10th, 2021, for Batch 3. Participants of DTW Batch 2 were the Master of Science students with majoring Science in Accounting, Science in Economics, and Science in Management for the 2019/1 period, while the participants of the DTW Batch 3 were the Master of Science students with majoring Science in Accounting for the period 2019/2 and Science in Economics for the period 2020/1. DTW is one of a series of REACH (Researcher’s Enrichment) Program which is mandatory and aims to shape and improve students’ thinking skills critically, creatively, and innovatively. The development of such a mindset will support the ability to analyze comprehensively, deeply, and systematically, so that in line with the Master of Science program at FEB UGM to form graduates who are capable of conducting independent research and are knowledgeable with in-depth theoretical concepts.
In this DTW, Mrs. Rr. Tur Nastiti, M.Sc., Ph.D. as a facilitator also as a speaker. She took a very interesting topic, namely the concept and practice of design thinking, which is very needed by students to analyze problems and solve them through the best solutions. Besides delivered the material regarding the concepts and flow of design thinking, there were discussion sessions that involved all participants actively. There was a group division as a discussion unit for all participants.
At the problem space stage, there were two discussion sessions. The first session was determining the name of the group, selecting the problem that will be sought for a solution, and determining the group representative to present the problem in one of the other groups. The second session was for each group received inspiring people (representatives of one particular group) to convey problems to their group and conducted deep interviews to understand the problem in detail. The discussions for each group were held in the breakout room Zoom meeting within 15 minutes of each session. After completion, groups 1-7 present the results of their discussion in the form of a description of the problem and its analysis on an empathy map.
After the problem space stage has been passed, there was the next stage of design thinking, namely solution space. Each group was asked to return the discussion and formulated appropriate solutions for inspiring people or representatives of other groups who have previously expressed their problems. Within 15 minutes, each group had a fun discussion to determine the best solution. In the end, the discussion’s result about the solution presented and the problem owner asked to comment on the solution given for him. Solving a problem with a design thinking line is indeed very effective and facilitates finding the most appropriate solution. All that happens because design thinking holds an important key in its concept, namely Resource-Based View (RBV) Theory which places humans as the basis of strength to understand the universe and open systems which the connectivity between humans and the universe, which is known as a dyadic relationship.
That concept can train Master of Science students to be more sensitive to the environment, so they are motivate to find a solution for an existing problem. The very emphasized concept of design thinking can answer everyone’s anxiety about the problems they are experiencing. Human resources will be better able to understand themselves, the social environment, and the natural environment. Finally, the event went really well and was successful which ended by took some group photos.