In Jatirejo Village, Kulon Progo, an inspiring story unfolds, demonstrating how a self-sufficient and equitable village economy can be realized. This village has become a fostered village under the direct guidance of the Master of Science and Doctoral (MD) Program at FEB UGM, in collaboration with the villagers and the Village Government to achieve shared prosperity.
One of the key figures behind this success is Tristi Sintawati, affectionately known as Sinta. Filled up with the knowledge she gained from UGM, Sinta encouraged her fellow villagers to engage in managing BUMDesBinangun Jati Unggul which is now the village’s economic mainstay. Sinta did not merely build a businessbutalso,she established a vision and mission to develop the village alongside its residents, leveraging the village’s natural resources, such as its stunning landscapes and fertile lands, as well as trained villagers to participate in tourism, agriculture, and financial services.
Supported by a mentorship program from UGM academics, BUMDesBinangun Jati Unggul has successfully managed three main business units through Resto Bukit Cubung that offers nature-based culinary tourism, an agricultural trade unit that maximizes local farm produce, and a financial services unit that meets various community needs. These three sectors work in synergy, generating substantial economic impact for Jatirejo Village. In 2023, the village revenue contributions have a significant increase, opening new opportunities for business development and long-term prosperity. Sinta and her team are even planning a retirement fund program for workers as a step toward economic sustainability.
Sinta shared that one of the challenges in building BUMDes was addressing the diversity of the community’s characters. However, by fostering communication grounded in moral values and ethics, she and her team have bridged these differences and embraced everyone. “This village belongs to all of us. Every resident deserves to be involved in its development. Through ethical communication and actions, any issue can be resolved,” she said.
The story of Jatirejo Village illustrates how collaboration between academia and the community can create sustainable and inclusive solutions. As a fostered village under the Master of Science and Doctoral (MD) Program at FEB UGM, Jatirejo stands as a living example that the right mentorship can catalyze competitive economic development that benefits future generations.
#SDGs #Goal1 #NoPoverty #Goal2 #ZeroHunger #Goal8 #DecentWorkandEconomicGrowth #Goal12 #ResponsibleConsumptionandProduction #Goal17 #PartnershipsForTheGoals