Yogyakarta – Friday, October 3rd 2019. The Master of Science and Doctoral Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MD FEB UGM) held a workshop “Writing Scientific Papers”. The activity was attended by 26 participants from various educational and occupational backgrounds, which were dominated by Doctoral students UGM FEB and lecturers from various universities. With the aim of practicing the skills and competences of writing scientific papers, the workshop was carried out in a duration of 8 (eight) hours. The three main sessions of the workshop are book writing strategies, article writing strategies in the mass media, and strategies for writing reputable international journals.
The introduction of the workshop was delivered by the MD FEB UGM Program Coordinator, Prof. Jogiyanto H.M., MBA., Ph.D., continued the first session with the title “Textbook Writing Concepts”. In his presentation, the Professor who has 51 citation h-indexes, conveyed the motivation and purpose of writing a book. Not only to gain income and popularity but also to contribute to supporting the academic profession and impact the wider institutions and society. These requirements are a requirement for promotion, idea communication, and even help in the availability of teaching books. According to him, the criteria for a good book at least have the following criteria; (i) originality, (ii) fulfills the reader’s wishes, (iii) the flow of the book is readable, (iv) the language is good and right, (v) achieves its cognitive goals, and (vi) supports the learning method.
In the second session, the Chair of the FEB UGM Doctoral Program, Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, M.A., Ph.D., delivered “Tips on Writing Articles in the Mass Media”. The author of Kompas mass media articles, through his presentation, argues that the main tips in writing opinion articles in national mass media must be the latest issue, writing must take into account the number of words, and examine the use of clear, simple sentences but possess a strong point of discussion. It is also important to read Opinion articles from other writers. Furthermore, Prof. Chess conveys a variety of reasons why the writer’s opinion article is often rejected, in general, it is caused by writing rather emotional, less sharp/in-depth analysis, articles have been published in other media, or do not provide renewal in the arguments, views, and ideas. In addition, a language that is too scientific and less popular can be the reason for editors to reject articles submitted by the author. At the end of the session, the lecturer in Economics delivered information related to the list name of the mass media and its characteristics to be considered by participants.
The last session was presented by Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand, Merc., Ph.D., Chair of the Management Study Program, with the material “Tips on Writing an International Reputable Journal”. The author, who is often published in journals of international repute, states that going to the Scopus publication up to Tier-1 (Q1) is hard work with a process that takes time such as for blind review. Nevertheless, journal publications are believed to have a higher impact factor and citation index and as a medium for building track records and self-actualization, dissemination to the wider community, and academic legitimacy. The general publicity strategy was also presented: (i) developing a diverse portfolio with a waiting time of up to three years; (ii) focus on one or two areas of expertise / research interest; (iii) make one or two writings of existing works (thesis / dissertation compiled); (iv) target journals that are “dreamed” by considering the ranking of journals and be careful of categorical journal predators that can actually be checked at https://beallslist.weebly.com/hijacked-journals.html.
From the whole process, participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the activity until the end. The event was closed after a question and answer session and a group photo. (RP)
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