Yogyakarta, August 14th, 2021
The MD FEB UGM program consistently held Guest Lecture activities to facilitate quality learning. The Guest Lecture session in this time was held online through a Zoom meeting and raised the theme “Surviving and Thriving in The Academic Research Jungle,” moderated by Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M., M.B.A., Ph.D. This guest lecture presented Prof. Adi Masli from the University of Kansas, USA, as a speaker. He is an academic as well as a writer in the best journals in the accounting field.
In his explanation, Prof. Adi Masli conveyed several important things. First, he conveyed insight into accounting research and recommended several reputable international journals in the accounting field. Second, he provides scientific writing guidelines based on his publication experience in various reputable international journals. His perseverance and love for research are the main assets that enable him to survive and thrive in the world of research. His life is not far from doing research.
An important key in starting research is to explore ideas and find a novelty. He also shared about how to find research ideas also his career in academics and researchers. In this valuable opportunity, the enthusiasm of the participants was extraordinary. It was proven by the number of students who were involved in interactive discussions in the QnA session. The amazing experience of Prof. Adi can provide enlightenment related to research and motivate students to think critically and actively conduct research as a form of contribution.