Yogyakarta, October 23rd 2019. The Doctoral Student Association and Alumni of the FEB UGM (IMADEBGAMA) held a inauguration and position handover event for the administrators of 2018-2019 period, chaired by Asih Murwiati, S.E, M.E. to the administrator of the 2019-2020 period which will be chaired by Muizzuddin, S.E., M.M. The handover process of the board position was attended by Prof. Jogiyanto HM, MBA., Ph.D. as the Managing Coordinator and Chair of the Accounting Study Program, Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, MA, Ph.D. as Chair of the Economics Study Program, Nurul Indarti, Sivilekonom., Cand., Merc., Ph.D. as Chairman of the Management Study Program, and Rr. Tur Nastiti, Ph.D. as Manager of Academic, Student, and Cooperation Affairs.
The event opened with remarks by Prof. Jogyianto HM, MBA., Ph.D., “IMADEBGAMA is an extension of the study program in relation to the implementation of community service programs. The study program is willing to help fund the IMADEBGAMA program because it has been able to contribute to the wider community and MD students”. Furthermore, Prof. Jogiyanto HM, MBA., Ph.D., expressed his gratitude to the recent board, Asih Murwiati, S.E, M.E., a lecturer at the University of Lampung and an active student of the Doctoral Program in Economics. To the new management under the leadership of Muizzuddin, S.E., M.M., a lecturer at Sriwijaya University and a student of the MD Doctoral Management program at the FEB UGM, Prof. Jogiyanto HM, MBA., Ph.D. says good work for the next year. Officially the management of IMADEBGAMA 2019-2020 was inaugurated by the Managing Coordinator and Chair of the Accounting Study Program.
Previously, the management of IMADEBGAMA had implemented a national standard program entitled “Doctoral Colloqium” which was attended by doctoral graduates affiliated from various institutions in Indonesia. The management of the 2019-2020 period numbered 10 students of the FEB UGM doctoral program. The highlight was the signing of the handover of positions by Asih Murwiati, S.E, M.E., Muizzuddin, S.E., M.M., and known to Prof. Jogiyanto HM, MBA., Ph.D., in front of the management and representatives of the Master of Science Student Communication Forum (FORKOMSI).
The whole event took place in a relaxed and familial manner and closed with lunch and a group photo. (RP)