The Master of Science and Doctoral Program of FEB UGM held a job market paper presentation with the title “Sustainability Disclosure Quality, Sustainability Assurance, and Analyst Forecast Accuracy” on May 6, 2024. This event was held by inviting Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. from Bengkulu University who was also an alumnus of the Master of Science in Management.
The event was conducted offline and started at 15.00 PM in the Lippo Room of the Master of Science and Doctoral Building of FEB UGM. The research forum started off with a brief introduction by Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. This was followed by a captivating presentation that highlighted the distinction between Sustainability Disclosure Quality and Analyst Forecast Accuracy in companies listed on the European Stock Exchange and indexed within Environmentally Sensitive Industries (ESIs). Throughout the presentation, participants actively listened and took notes, their enthusiasm evident in their engaged participation during the discussion. Several participants ask some questions, demonstrating that they hold a strong grasp of the topic at hand. This Q&A session also provided an opportunity for participants to share their perspectives and experiences related to the implementation of sustainability policies within their respective companies. The ensuing discussion was highly productive, with a wealth of innovative ideas and solutions emerging. The forum concluded with a closing remark from Berto Usman, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., who summarized the key takeaways and encouraged participants to continue exploring the intersection of sustainability disclosure quality and analyst forecast accuracy.