Yogyakarta, October 15th, 2022
The Master of Science and Doctoral (MD) Program FEB UGM in collaboration with IMADEBGAMA (FEB UGM Doctoral Student and Alumni Association) and FORKOMSI (Master of Science Student Communication Forum), has held an Open Campus MD FEB UGM activity on Saturday, October 15th, 2022. This activity raised the topic “Knowing Closer to MD FEB UGM,” which aims to provide information on new student registration requirements, scholarship information, and share experiences of successful study at MD with students. Speakers in this activity consisted of education staff and representatives of MD FEB UGM students. The activity, which held on a hybrid basis, was located in the Bakrie Room, Lt. 2 MD FEB UGM Building for offline and via Zoom meeting online. Participants consisted of the general public, UGM and non-UGM students, and alumni of MD FEB UGM.
In the 1st session, Mrs. Wiwin Purwanti, Administrative Coordinator for Admissions, Student Affairs, and Alumni MD FEB UGM, conveyed the registration procedure for the Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM, study time, internal MD scholarship offers, student exchange opportunities, and available facilities in MD. In the 2nd session, there were presentations from Ari Okta Viyani, a Master of Science Student at FEB UGM, and Zainnur M Rusdi, a Doctoral Student at FEB UGM, regarding timely lecture strategies for Master’s and Doctoral Programs.
Ari Okta said many things about the superiority of the Master of Science Program FEB UGM, which encouraged him to continue his studies. According to him, the Master of Science Program FEB UGM provides theoretical knowledge and strengthens research at the master’s level, where the graduates are directed to become academics or researchers. Not only that, supportive learning climates and strong relationships in the Master of Science Program FEB UGM greatly support the learning process. Ari also shared tips for taking master’s studies and graduating on time, namely implementing effective time management, setting targets, implementing a relaxed but serious learning system, stress management (managing mood, reducing overthinking), and giving rewards for self-achievement, active research for publications (actively seeking information on research funding and publication), establishing relationships.
In terms of doctoral education, there are also many explanations regarding strategies for studying, dissertations, and publications. Zainnur M Rusdi, a doctoral student at FEB UGM, conveyed the importance of having a strong reason and motivation when studying in the Doctoral Program. For him, this is the biggest strength that can maintain consistency in completing studies on time with satisfactory results.
Zainnur also shared various tips, such as tips for pursuing doctoral studies, tips for going through the dissertation stages, and tips for successful publications. In pursuing doctoral study, student needs to have strong motivation, set and remember targets, be mindful, have strong resilience, have a study timeline, be active in discussions, and apply time management. When taking the dissertation, student needs to love research topics, build communication and synergy with promoters, enjoy every stage, make challenges as opportunities to advance, be highly committed, be consistent for progress, and follow the RTA (Final Project Recognition) program. Regarding publication requirements, the tips for success are raising topics that have novelty, discussing with promoter lecturers and friends, attending scientific research workshops, and submitting articles to related journals.
The Open Campus events ran smoothly and received great enthusiasm from the participants. After the presentations from the speakers finished, there was an interactive question-and-answer session. Next is the quiz session. At the end of the event, there was a door prize distribution session for the best questioners and quiz winners. A group photo session and a short video shoot with the tagline “Proud to be an MD!” also closed the series of events, which were held from morning to noon. (Y)