Saturday, 13 October 2023, the FEB UGM Master of Science and Doctoral Program held a field study activity as well as an entertaining cultural tour to see up close the activities of cocoa plantations and the Wondis chocolate factory MSMEs in the Kalibawang District area, Kulonprogo. The cocoa plantation, as well as the UMKM, Wondis chocolate factory, which is characterized by gotu kola leaf chocolate, is currently being proposed and is in the process of becoming a tourist village area. This activity was attended by 50 participants consisting of students and education staff as well as the manager of the MD FEB UGM study program, namely Prof. Dr. Catur Sugiyanto, MA., and Dr. Sahid Susilo Nugroho, M.Sc.
The first field study activity was to visit the cocoa plantation managed by Mr. Dalijo who was named the best cocoa farmer in Kulonprogo Regency. The participants were invited to walk through the cocoa garden while being explained about planting and growing cocoa, the characteristics and how to care for cocoa, and the process of harvesting and fermenting cocoa into chocolate. On the way through the cocoa plantation, field activity participants were also shown how to harvest cocoa and tasted the cocoa pods that had just been picked from the tree before being processed into chocolate. After exploring the cocoa plantation, participants were shown the process of fermenting cocoa and drying the cocoa beans ready to be sent to the factory to be processed into chocolate. The enthusiasm of the participants was very high, as evidenced by the participants’ activeness in asking various questions during the visit.
Then, the field study continued by visiting the Wondis chocolate factory UMKM managed by Mrs. Dwi Murtuti Rahayu together with the Pawon Gendis Women’s Farmers Group (KWT). At the Wonderdis chocolate factory, participants can directly see the process of processing cocoa beans into various kinds of chocolate products. The various kinds of chocolate produced by Wondis are known for their characteristic chocolate mixed with gotu kola leaves which are rich in benefits.
After the visit, all participants ate lunch together, chatting with each other while enjoying the green, beautiful and shady scenery in the Wondis chocolate factory area. The field study activity was then closed by giving Wondis Chocolate Ice, Chocolate Dodol and Chocolate to accompany all participants on their way home and taking photos together.