Yogyakarta, August 12th 2022
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM has held an open examination for the promotion of Doctor of Economics for a Ph.D. candidate, Mirzalina Zainal. Mrs. Eny Sulistiyaningrum, M.A., Ph.D., Secretary of the Department of Economics, acted as Chair of the Session. In this open examination, presented Prof. Insukindro, M.A., Ph.D. as a promoter, and Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, M.A., Ph.D. also Dr. Akhmad Makhfatih, M.A. as co-promoter. In addition, the assessment team was also present, which included Prof. Dr. Samsubar Saleh, M.Soc.Sc., and Dr. R. Maryatmo, M.A. The team of examiners in this session was Prof. Dr. Sri Adiningsih, M.Sc. and Perry Warjiyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. Also attending were the families of the doctoral candidates, work relatives from Universitas Hasanudin, and invited guests.
The open doctoral promotion examination was opened by the chairman of the session and then given chances to the promoter, co-promoter, assessment team, and examiner team to ask questions related to the dissertation that has been done. The Ph.D. candidate was able to answer questions well and fluently and defended the argument for her dissertation entitled ” Interaction of Fiscal-Monetary Policy in Indonesia for the Period 2005-2019: New Neoclassical Synthesis Framework,” so that she successfully graduated with the predicate “very satisfying.”
For information, Dr. Mirzalina focuses on empirical studies related to the interaction of fiscal and monetary policies in Indonesia. The purpose is to examine the interaction of fiscal and monetary policies and their consequences on the Indonesian economic system. Thus, the main issue behind this research is the need for coordination between fiscal and monetary policies, in which monetary policy can encourage better policy coordination because it responds more quickly than fiscal policy. The integration of the two will give a positive signal to the economy.
Tests in this study used secondary data. The fundamental thing that differentiates this research from previous research is a point of view. Previous research examines which is more dominant between fiscal or monetary policy in the interaction of the two policies, while this study examines the interaction of fiscal and monetary policy, whether it is complementary or substitute. The research model used is also different. Dr. Mirzalina chose the new neoclassical period because in the new neoclassical was found that many things were significant in the interaction of fiscal and monetary policies.
The important point in this research is that when complementary, fiscal and monetary policies have the same cycle, purpose, and direction. Thus, the achievements of integration between fiscal and monetary policies, can be reflected in macroeconomic policies.
This lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hasanudin, officially holds the 5538th doctoral degree who passed the exam at Universitas Gadjah Mada and the 319th who passed the exam at FEB UGM. Mr. Prof. Insukindro, MA., Ph.D. as the promoter, congratulated Dr. Mirzalina, her family, and institutions on her doctoral degree. He appreciated the struggle of Dr. Mirzalina in completing her studies with all the challenges. He also congratulated her on serving back at her institution. Hopefully, her research can be useful in fiscal and monetary policy-making, and the knowledge gained can be a provision in contributing. He ordered that Dr. Mirzalina stay to maintain the good name of her alma mater and always maintain communication. (Y)