Yogyakarta, January 14th, 2022
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM has held an open examination for the promotion of Doctor of Management Science for a Ph.D. candidate, Utama Singgih Budiarso. Prof. Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand Merc., Ph.D., acted as Chair of the Session. In this Open Examination, presented T. Hani Handoko, M.B.A., Ph.D. as a promoter, and Sari Sitalaksmi, M.Mgt., Ph.D. also Ely Susanto, M.B.A., Ph.D. as co-promoter. In addition, the assessment team was also present, which included Amin Wibowo, M.B.A., Ph.D., Dr. Reni Rosari, M.B.A., and Dr. Neuneung Ratna Hayati, M.M. The team of examiners in this exam was Dr. C. Budi Santoso, M. Bus., and Rr. Tur Nastiti, M.Si., Ph.D. Also attending were the families of the doctoral candidates, work colleague, and invited guests.
The open doctoral promotion examination was opened by the chairman of the session and then given chances to the promoter, co-promoter, assessment team, and examiner team to ask questions related to the dissertation that has been done. The Ph.D. candidate was able to answer questions well and fluently and defended the argument for her dissertation entitled “Person-Group Fit: The Role of Information Exchange and Task Interdependent at the Group Level,” so that she successfully graduated with the predicate “satisfying.”
For information, Dr. Utama Singgih Budiarso focuses on person-group fit because it is a very important construct based on the literature review. This person-group fit greatly influences important processes within the group. The purpose of this study was to examine the intensity of person-group fit through several influential antecedents. Fill in the research gap, then Dr. Utama uses two antecedents, namely information exchange and task interdependent. Based on the theory, a collective information exchange process is needed to produce high task interdependence. Thus, when groups share information, then process it collectively, it will increase person-group fit.
In theory, this person-group fit forms a linear curve, where the more cohesive, the more grouping within the group. This cohesion is a negative side. Person-group fit is also related to needs or environmental prerequisites, for example, in terms of ability. If the ability is below the needs or requirements, the person-group fit is low.
Ph.D. candidate officially holds the 5383rd doctoral degree who passed the exam at Gadjah Mada University and the 309th who passed the exam at FEB UGM. T. Hani Handoko, M.B.A., Ph.D. as the promoter congratulated Dr. Utama and stated that his success was realized because of the support from his family and institution. Therefore, hoped that after this graduation, Dr. Utama can use the knowledge gained to actively contribute to his institution in particular and society in general. He ordered Dr. Utama to maintain communication and maintain the good name of the alma mater. (Y)