Yogyakarta, 29 January 2021. The Master of Science and Doctoral Program of FEB UGM has held an Open Exam for Doctoral Promotion for Promovendus Benediktus Margiadi. Acting as chairman of the trial this time, Mr. Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Dean of FEB UGM, also opened the session. Also present were Mr. Amin Wibowo, M.B.A., Ph.D. as the promoter, Mrs. Sari Sitalaksmi, M.Mgt., Ph.D. and Dr. C. Budi Santoso, M.Bus. as co-promoter. Besides, the assessment team was also attended by a team of assessors, including Dr. Reni Rosari, M.B.A., Mrs. Dian Ekowati, M.Si., M.AppCom (OrgCh)., Ph.D., Mr. Gugup Kismono, M.B.A., Ph.D .; and also a team of examiners, including Prof. Nurul Indarti, Siviløkonom, Cand.Merc., Ph.D., and Mrs. Rr. Nastiti Tour, M.Sc., Ph.D. Also attending were the families of doctoral candidates, colleagues from Ministry of Finance, and all guests.
The chairperson of the trial opens the doctoral open promotion examination to allow the promoter to submit a profile of the promovendus and provide questions. The session was continued by giving the co-promoter, assessment team, and examiner team opportunities to ask questions about the doctoral candidate’s dissertation. Promovendus managed to defend his opinion and answer questions related to his dissertation entitled “Authentic Leadership: An Antecedent, Consistent, and Mediating Test”, so he successfully passed with the predicate “Very Satisfying”.
As information for readers, Dr. Benediktus Margiadi aims to explore and test authentic leadership development and its impact on performance to find answers to authentic leadership contribution in organizations. Based on his research results, the first empirical evidence explains how psycap with additional dimensions in the form of self-efficacy can develop authentic leadership. The second empirical evidence explains how authentic leadership influences followers due to interactions within the social cognition theory framework. Meanwhile, empirical evidence on the last hypothesis explains followers’ characteristics in the form of organizational identification that has a mediating role in the interaction of leaders and followers.
Dr. Benediktus Margiadi officially holds the 5019th doctorate who passed the exam from UGM and the 303 th who passed the exam at FEB UGM. Mr. Amin Wibowo, M.B.A., Ph.D. as the promoter congratulates the Doctorate degree obtained and hopes that graduation from the S3 level is not Dr. Benedict’s end, but rather the beginning of many other scientific works. And it is hoped that the knowledge and learning outcomes obtained during lectures at FEB UGM can be applied and transmitted to many parties around and the organization where Dr. Benediktus Margiadi serves.