Yogyakarta, 27 January 2021. The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM has held an Open Exam for Doctoral Promotion for Promovendus Sidum Trio Indarto. Acting as chairman of the trial this time, Mr. Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Dean of FEB UGM, and at the same time opened the exam. Also attending were Mr. T. Hani Handoko, M.B.A., Ph.D., as the promoter, and Mr. Ely Susanto, M.B.A., Ph.D., and Mrs. Rr. Nastiti Tour, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the co-promoter. This open session was also attended by a team of assessors, including Mr. Amin Wibowo, MBA., Ph.D., Mr. Dr. C. Budi Santoso, M.Bus., And Mr. Sunu Widianto, M.Sc., Ph.D .; and also a team of examiners, including Mr. Gugup Kismono, MBA., Ph.D., and Prof. Nurul Indarti, Siviløkonom, Cand.Merc., Ph.D. Also attending were the families of doctoral candidates, colleagues, and invited guests.
The chairperson opens the doctoral open promotion examination, which is followed by giving the promoter time to submit the promovendus profile and ask questions. Furthermore, the co-promoter, assessment team, and examiner team are given time to ask questions related to the doctoral candidate’s dissertation. Promovendus successfully defended his opinion and answered the questions about his dissertation entitled “The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Group Creativity and Individual Creativity: Multi-Level Approach”. So that he successfully graduated with the title “Very Satisfying”.
For information, Dr. Sidum Trio Indarto concluded several things. First, the effects of transformational leadership can be distinguished at the group and individual levels. Second, the effects of transformational leadership occur across levels. Third, identifying workgroups mediates the effect of group-focused transformational leadership on individual creativity. Finally, identifying relationships with leaders mediates the effect of transformational leadership that focuses on individuals on individual creativity.
Dr. Sidum Trio Indarto officially holds the 5017th doctorate who passed the exam at UGM and the 302th who graduated at FEB UGM. Mr. T. Hani Handoko, M.B.A., Ph.D. as the promoter congratulated the new doctor and his family and advised him never to stop doing research and writing even though he works as a practitioner. Also, the promoter advised being able to apply their knowledge in the world of practice.