Yogyakarta, December 14th, 2022
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM has successfully held a Publication Coaching Clinic event on December 14th, 2022. This Publication Coaching Clinic is open to all FEB UGM students and held from 14.00-16.00 WIB. This event was held offline, took place at the BRI Auditorium Room Lt. 3 FEB UGM Building, and presented Mr. Felix Septianto, Ph.D., Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at The University of Queensland, Senior Lecturer at The University of Queensland, as a speaker and Mrs. Widya Paramita, M.Sc., Ph.D., as a moderator.
This publication coaching aims to hone and improve students’ abilities in scientific research and publication so they can contribute more. In the session I, there was a presentation of material from Mr. Felix entitled “Generating Research Ideas.” Basically, researching something requires good ideas, concepts, and writing skills. On this occasion, Mr. Felix emphasized ideas with fixed concepts to make a big contribution. Elaboration skills needed in this case.
In generalizing research ideas, there are two approaches, phenomenon-based (expanding concepts, integrating phenomena, and resolving conflicts) and context-based (sustainable new brands, utilizing different brand aspects, increasing consumers, reducing consumer skepticism). The most important thing in writing, whether a mini-thesis, thesis, or dissertation, is to focus on theory. Do more literature reviews to add insight, find gaps, find new contexts, and enrich written language.
In session II, there was a research clinic session, which discussed student research. First, discussed research proposals of pre-selected master and doctoral students. Second, discussed manuscripts or papers that are ready to be published, both master and doctoral program students. In the agenda, each student presented their research, then Mr. Felix gave comments, suggestions for improvement, and constructive criticism, so the research’s quality would be even better.
What was interesting about the training session that Mr. Felix gave some tips on doing research. First, read more relevant and up-to-date references. Second, read more to enrich your vocabulary, so you can compose effective and communicative sentences so that ideas conveyed properly. Third, conduct a literature review to find gaps as material for making a major contribution to the research conducted. Fourth, choose targeted journals that really fit the topic and research context.
Overall, this training session was really interesting and added knowledge on how to find big ideas, find research gaps, write well, and determine targeted journals. It hoped that the training can improve students’ ability to conduct research. At the end of the event, there was a group photo session. (Y)