Yogyakarta – Friday, September 27, 2019, Master of Science and Doctorate Program celebrated the 39th Anniversary of MD FEB UGM. One of the event of the Anniversary is Seminar “KAJIAN RISET TERKINI [Current Research Studies].” The seminar was presented three speakers namely Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono, Ph.D., Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, Ph.D., and Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand.Merc., Ph.D. and moderated by Rr. Tur Nastiti, M.Sc., Ph.D. The event was opened by Kusdhianto Setiawan, Sivilokonom, Ph.D. as Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources of FEB UGM.
Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono, Ph.D. on this occasion came up with the topic of Kajian Riset Akuntansi Pasar Modal [the Capital Market Accounting Research Study]. He explained how the development of MBAR research that occurs every decade starts from 1970 until now. In his presentation, he also explained that the current interesting topic of accounting research has begun to be multidisciplinary with developments in behavioral research. In addition, contextual issues also become important things that need to be considered in conducting research. Prof. Jogi also mentioned a number of interesting topics that are currently beginning to be of interest to researchers in accounting.
The second speaker, Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, Ph.D. discussed Kajian Riset Pembangunan Manusia Indonesia [the Indonesian Human Development Research Study]. In the discussion, he gave a picture illustration from the animation film entitled “The Croods.” Through this picture, he told how humans are subsistent, accept new ideas, dare to get out of their comfort zones, and succeed. The concept of human development was initially related to primary goods and then led to quality of life. This concept has been reviewed by researchers from 1972 to 2005. Human development is measured by human development index [indeks permbangunan manusia or IPM]. IPM measures three basic dimensions, namely a long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.
Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand.Merc., Ph.D. as the third speaker presented the topic of Kajian Riset Kewirausahaan di Negara Berkembang [the Entrepreneurship Research Study in Developing Countries]. She explained about one of the studies in the book that is about ethnic entrepreneurship. In the study, she used bibliometric analysis which was recognized to be more robust for literature review. The finding of the study points out the definitions of ethnic entrepreneurship, theories or perspectives used, research methods, and research context. Ethnic entrepreneurship usually examines immigrant entrepreneurs or those who do business outside of their area of origin. The dominance of the context under study is mostly done by examining Chinese ethnic in Africa, North America and Europe.
After the presentation from the three presenters, the event continued with discussion. Many participants were enthusiastic about asking questions related to the topics discussed, including how to determine IPM that is in accordance with the actual conditions, ethnic entrepreneurship research opportunities, and capital market research opportunities. The seminar was closed with a photo session. (TLU)