Yogyakarta – Wednesday, July 1st 2020. Master of Science and Doctoral Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (MD FEB UGM) held an online open doctoral examination for promovendus Siti Mutmainah, SE., M.Si. The session chaired by the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D., was attended by the Promoter and Co-promoter: Prof. Dr. Slamet Sugiri, MBA., Prof. Bambang Riyanto LS., MBA., Ph.D., and Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. Further, the board of examiners and evaluators consists of dari Dr. Sumiyana, M.Si., Choirunnisa Arifa, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Junaidi, M.Si., Prof. Dr. R.A. Supriyono, SU., and Ertambang Nahartyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. In this online forum were also present colleagues from the Diponegoro University and participants who completed the happiness of the doctoral candidates.
The doctoral open examination was opened by the chair of the session to then the board of examiners, the board of assessors, and the promoter gave questions for an hour. With a dissertation entitled “Incentive System as Conflict Mitigation in Group-Faultline“, oral presenters at the 17th Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference (2017) answered questions convincingly so that Siti Mutmainah, SE., M.Si. successfully graduated with the predicate “very satisfying”.
For further information, Dr. Siti Mutmainah, M.Sc. dissertation used a laboratory experimental method of 153 graduate students to examine the role of incentives as a means of mitigating conflict that occur in team members who experience group faultline. Six hypotheses were arranged to explain the treatment of faultline information group variables, social category faultline groups and cases to trigger relationship and task conflicts. Four of the six hypotheses proposed in this study are supported by providing evidence that incentives interact with perceived task conflicts to produce the best performance of team members. Furthermore, this study shows evidence that individual incentives can change the direction of the relationship between task conflict and performance. Task conflict has a negative impact on performance, but when it is combined with the individual incentive system team members can show their best performance compared to when the group incentive system is applied. Finally, this study provides an opportunity for further research to consider the situation of competition and cooperation at stages other than storming, non-financial incentives, and other dimensions of contextual or counterproductive performance.
The lecturer in Accounting at Diponegoro University, officially holds the 4852th doctorate who passed the open defense at UGM and the 287 who graduated at FEB UGM. Prof. Dr. Slamet Sugiri, MBA., As a promoter, congratulated and advised to be productive in making positive contributions and able to distribute knowledge wisely. The Online Open Examination session was closed with congratulations from all participants to Promovendus. (RP)