Yogyakarta, April 22th, 2021
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program in Economics FEB UGM held a stadium general with the theme “Poverty and Social Protection in Indonesia.” The stadium general is a routine agenda that aims to increase students’ knowledge. At this public lecture session, Mr. Sudarno Sumarto, Ph.D., attend as a speaker. All participants consisting of Master of Science and Doctoral students of FEB UGM are actively involved in the success of the event from beginning to end.
Even though it was held in the afternoon, the enthusiasm for discussion was maintained by reviewing important topics that are very relevant today. Poverty is a topic that is getting stronger to be reviewed at this time, which is in line with the increase in cases of covid-19. Highlighting the poverty rate that is still high and vulnerable in Indonesia, the speakers provided comprehensive material on poverty. The definition of poverty, the level of poverty, the groups of the poor, how to reduce poverty, to social protection.
Participants were very enthusiastic about asking questions about poverty alleviation policies and effective social protection measures to be implemented. As the speaker, Mr. Sudarno answered each participant’s question completely and communicatively. The discussion ran smoothly and was fun because it tried to find solutions to social phenomena that were prone to occur. These various reviews are expected to be the beginning of strengthening empathy for the phenomenon of poverty which is still high in Indonesia so that it can provide a real contribution to alleviating poverty.