Yogyakarta-Friday, September 25th, 2020. The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM held a webinar with the theme on “Quality Management of Higher Education, 40 years of insight confirms values” as part of the 8th Lustrum MD FEB UGM series events. The activity which was attended by 85 participants who are alumni and program managers of higher education institutions took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
This webinar was opened by Amirullah Setya Hardi, Ph.D, Deputy Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, and Alumni representing the Dean of FEB UGM, Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D. In his remarks, he said that in managing the quality of higher education, it must start from a structured planning, selecting appropriate inputs, an implementation process that requires high commitment and integrity and being able to well adapt during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Prof. Jogiyanto Hartono M, M.B.A, Ph.D as the first speaker delivered three periods of quality management that is also regarding to about AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). The period before AACSB, the period after AACSB and the period ahead in the future. FEB UGM became a member on March 10, 2006, received AACSB accreditation on May 12, 2014 and still maintains AACSB accreditation in 2020. Prof. Catur Sugiyanto, MA, Ph.D. emphasized that one of the quality management standards is the study period for the master program for 2 years and the doctoral program for a maximum of 4 years. Furthermore, one of the things that are also proud of is that students from both master and doctoral programs are actively carrying out publications and seminars at national and international levels.
The last presentation was delivered by Nurul Indarti, Sivilekonom, Cand Merc., Ph.D., Management Coordinator as well as Coordinator of the Master and Doctoral Program of Management at FEB UGM, regarding scientific development and curriculum in the FEB UGM Masters and Doctoral Program which is designed to strengthen analytic/cognitive capacity and soft skills. The material presented by the speakers was responded enthusiastically by the participants through various questions, comments, and testimonials on how the study environment at MD had an effect on alumni career success. (RP)