Yogyakarta, December 4th, 2021
The Master of Science and Doctoral Program (MD) FEB UGM held an online workshop with the topic “The Process towards International Journal Publication” through a Zoom meeting. This activity aims to enrich students’ knowledge in terms of scientific publications, especially in international journals, to increase research contributions. On this occasion, we present Dr. Sumiyana, Akt., M.Sc., as a presenter and Prof. Dr. Jogiyanto H M, M. B. A., CMA., as a moderator. This workshop was attended by 104 participants.
In an internal workshop specially held for MD FEB UGM students, Dr. Sumi provides a lot of insight and knowledge related to publications, especially in international journals. He has a lot of experience in research and publication. Based on his experience, many things need to be prepared in writing an article to publish it in an international journal. He emphasized the importance of submitting articles in low context language, namely explaining something explicitly. The advantage is that articles are easier to understand and less complicated. Thus, a variety of standard languages are needed according to the rules of good and correct Indonesian language, coherent logic of thinking, and neutral language that is without emotional impressions or figure of speech in it.
The discussion session ran smoothly with the enthusiasm of the participants being extraordinary. Many participants were curious about the tips for writing articles so could be published in reputable international journals. It is hoped that this activity will be able to encourage the research contribution of MD FEB UGM students, especially in terms of publications in international journals. At the end of the session, there is a group photo to capture this impactful event. (Y)