Saturday, March 27th, 2021
Yogyakarta – The Master of Science and Doctoral Program FEB UGM held a Writing Skill for Publication workshop which is one part of the REACH (Researcher’s Enrichment) Program. The event was held for 2.5 hours is a routine agenda to improve the ability of students in Master of Science in the field of writing for publications. The speakers in this workshop were Prof. Suwardjono, M.Sc., Ph.D.
The workshop which was attended by 104 participants, was divided into two sessions, namely an interactive discussion session and a material presentation session. Participants were actively involved in interactive discussions to convey various issues related to writing that they are experiencing. Prof. Suwardjono then gave the right solution to solve the problems presented by the participants, such as various languages, paraphrasing techniques, how to translate terms, and how to summarize. He also motivated so that students continue to try to develop their writing skills. Reading more and strengthening the discussion is the key.
In the second session, there was a material presentation entitled “Writing Scientific Papers: Principles, Language Aspects, and Typographic Aspects.” In writing, needed an understanding of language, terms selection, and an understanding of how to communicate ideas through writing. In the education field, especially in higher education, efforts must be made to change the culture of hearing and talk into a culture of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, so that be able to reason, argue, and think critically. Later, universities can play a role in the development of the national language. There were interesting words of wisdom from Prof. Suwardjono that writing can be taught and good writers are writers who are made, not originated.