Yogyakarta-July 24, 2020. Student Association and Alumni of the FEB UGM Doctoral Program (IMADEBGAMA) held an online discussion series titled “Behavioral Research Discussion #2”. The activity which was attended by 70 participants who were Students and Alumni of the FEB UGM Doctoral Program raised the topic of Experimental Research and Game Theory with guest speaker Rimawan Pradiptyo, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Economics, FEB UGM. Previously, the discussion series “Behavioral Research Discussion #1” held by IMADEBGAMA took place on June 19, 2020 with the topic “Behavioral Research Opportunities and Opportunities” by Dr. BM Purwanto, MBA.
The virtual forum which lasted for three (3) hours was aimed to: i) a means of discussion and knowledge sharing of research with an experimental economics and game theory approach; ii) increase understanding of experimental economics and game theory that can be used in the development of scientific fields of management, economics and accounting; iii) improve the quality of research by using experimental economics and game theory. With the title “Fight Against Covid-19 as a Sprint or Marathon? A Game Theory Modeling”, Lecturer in Economics of Criminality uses the design of a theoretical experimental game or co-19 countermeasure game to see the interaction between representative players between covid-19 and the state (government, business, and society). The battle against the covid-19 is called a pandemic game and is modeled in three by two settings: while the government has three strategies, the covid-19 has two. It also can be modeled as an infinitely repeated game, given the uncertainty of the end of the pandemic.