Accounting, Economics, and Management Study Programs
A. History of the establishment
The establishments of Master of Science and Doctorate Program Faculty of Business and Economics were assigned by two regulations:
1) Indonesian Government Regulation No. 27 Year 1983 about Faculty Arrangements at State University/Institutes, Gadjah Mada University Regulation No. 29 The Year 1983 on the Organization of Gadjah Mada University Graduate School; and
2) Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 580/DIKTI/Kep/1993 about Granting Permission to inaugurate Master and Doctorate Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Our postgraduate program consists of three study programs, namely Accounting, Economics, and Management. The three programs are managed under Master of Science and Doctorate Program and under the authority of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Based on Rector Decree No. 292/P/SK/HT/2008, graduate of Master of Science will be awarded the following titles:
1. Accounting Study Program
Master of Science in Accounting (M.Sc.)
2. Economics Study Program
Master of Science in Economics (M.Sc.)
3. Management Study Program
Master of Science in Management (M.Sc.)
4. Doctorate Program
Doctor (Dr.)
B. Overview
The main characteristic of the FEB UGM Master of Science and Doctorate Program is the development of students’ and graduates’ research abilities. The curriculum is designed in order to train students in developing knowledge and rigorous research skills. Good research abilities include mastery of the material or the relevant theories, research methodologies, and skills in the dissemination of research results. These characteristics are reflected in the output of the teaching and learning activities.
Lecturers at Master of Science and Doctorate Program make use of a lot of scientific articles. Students explore the discipline directly from the source, such as a scientific article. Students are encouraged to be active in other scientific and academic activities, such as attending academic conferences, writing and publishing articles in scientific journals during the time of the study at the program.
Our Master Program offers three study programs: Accounting, Economics, and Management. Master in Accounting program offers four concentrations: 1) Financial Accounting; 2) Managerial Accounting; 3) Public Sector Accounting; and 4) Information Systems. Master in Management program offers five concentrations: 1) Financial Management; 2) Marketing Management; 3) Human Resource Management; 4) Strategic Management, Knowledge and Innovation Management; 5) Sharia Financial Management. Master of Economics program offers five concentrations: 1) Monetary Economics; 2) International Economics; 3) Development Economics; 4) Public Economics; and 5) the Economics of Crime.
Our Doctorate Program offers three study programs: Accounting, Economics, and Management. Doctorate Program in Accounting offers six specialization areas of research for the dissertation: 1) Financial Accounting; 2) Managerial Accounting; 3) Public Sector Accounting; 4) Information Systems; 5) Taxation; and 6) Auditing. Doctorate Program in Economics offers four concentrations: 1) Monetary Economics; 2) International Economics; 3) Development Economics; and 4) Public Economics. Doctorate Program in Management offers four concentrations: 1) Marketing Management; 2) Financial Management; 3) Human Resource, Strategic, and Organizational Behavior Management; and 4) Operation and Innovation Management.
The Master of Science and Doctorate Program provide complete facilities to support research-based teaching and learning; online journals, databases, wi-fi, and more importantly, the very conducive and supportive academic atmosphere. Activities such as seminars, discussions, and conferences are held regularly. Students will feel the very solid academic atmosphere within the program.
The learning process in the FEB UGM Master of Science and Doctorate Program is suitable for students who wish to extend knowledge and to master scientific research. These abilities are very helpful for those who want a career in the worlds of academia and research, and for professionals who want a specialization in Accounting, Economics, or Management.